Meal planner, calorie counter diet & healthy recipes app to lose weight
Download Fitatu Free Calorie Counter and lose weight with over 10 million satisfied users slimming all over the world! Key diet app features: calorie counter, macro calculator, water tracker, food diary, meal planner, weight lose tracker, water reminder, easy healthy recipes & much more in one free app!Fitatu Free App will help you achieve your diet, slimming and fitness goals in just 5 minutes a day. Youll lose weight, build a muscular figure and improve your health. By measuring your calories and nutritional values.CALORIE COUNTER / FOOD DIARY (Fitatu main feature)■ NEW: carbohydrate exchanges - now with Fitatu it is much easier to create a diet for diabetics!■ Specific nutrition information (calories, proteins, fat, carbohydrates), a total of 39 vitamins and ingredients including omega 3, vitamin K, vitamin B7, fiber, sodium, cholesterol, caffeine (macro calculator) - all in one food diary & calorie counter feature■ Database of meals and dishes from restaurants (e.g. McDonalds, KFC, Subway, Pizza Hut)■ Useful measures - e.g. packaging, piece, glass, handful, slice, and spoon■ The largest database of meals and food products moderated by dietitians (100,000 new positions added monthly).■ The easiest way to add food and products to your food diary (by predicting what you eat often and in what quantity)EASY HEALTHY RECIPES DATABASE■ Easy & healthy food recipes database - moderated by dietitians ■ Simple step-by-step cooking guide with photos■ Cook tasty dishes and lose weight!OTHER KEY FEATURES:■ Own products from stores chains (e.g. Tesco, Asda, Morrisons, Sainsbury, Lidl).■ Barcode Scanner■ Calorie goal with automated calorific value and the proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates calculation (or insert your own values - macro calculator)■ Your daily goals (option to set custom calories, proteins, fats and carb goals)■ Calculate the appropriate calorie, carb and protein demand in calorie counter■ Meal planner - with up to 6 meals daily ■ Your own custom dishes and meals■ Monitoring the consumption of any nutrient in the selected period■ Summary of calorie and nutrition for the day, week and month (calorie counter) ■ Shopping list for meal planner■ Drink water with water reminder & water tracker■ Mealtimes with meal reminder option (easy fasting)■ Dark modeFITNESS INTEGRATIONS:■ downloading data from the Google Fit, Garmin Connect, Fitbit, Samsung Health and Strava apps■ importing data from the adidas Running by Runtastic and MiFit apps using the Google Fit app (connection configuration required) ■ weight data import from Fitatu to Google FitDownload Fitatu Free Calorie Counter now to lose weight (or weight gain) with macro calculator, food diary, diet plan, meal planner, weight loss tracker, water tracker, easy healthy recipes and much more in one free diet app! feature-Bug fixes & improvementsWere constantly improving our application. If you have any suggestions and comments - please write to us at [email protected].
Gdyby tylko za premium dało się zapłacić jednorazowo a nie płacić abonament to było by super,
Absolutely love the app, I think it is wonderful and detailed, clearly lots of planning and care went into it. However, and that is the only negative thing I can think of; having to get premium in order to link certain fitness apps to it? That is a bit unreasonable. The rest, I completely understand and support.
Aplikacja super ! Przyjemny interfejs, łatwość użytkowania i duża baza produktów. Jedyną funkcją jaką na obecną chwilę mi brakuje jest udostępnianie pojedynczych lub kilku produktów z danego posiłku. Poza tym wszystko jak najbardziej na plus :) Szczerze polecam !!!
schudlam na aplikacji 30 kg bardzo polecam
does the job spot on
ARNAQUE J'ai acheté une période d'essai de UNIQUEMENT 1 mois à 7,49 €. Ils ne se sont pas gêner pour ponctionner mon compte du même montant le mois suivant ! Sans prévenir ! J'ai demandé un remboursement pour le montant débiter sans mon accord. J'ai également supprimer mon compte. J'espère que cela suffira à ne plus avoir à faire à ces arnaqueurs. Cette appli devrait être retiré du Store. A AUCUN MOMENT IL N'ETAIT INDIQUE QUE C'ETAIT UN ABONNEMENT
+ Automatyczna lista zakupów generowana z określonego zakresu dat - to jest super opcja - Bardzo mało przepisów, wszystko trzeba dodawać samemu z palca i to jest bez sensu, zajmuje tak dużo czasu, że nie chce się używać aplikacji - Po wybraniu menu i tak muszę dodać każdy jeden posiłek ręcznie. Powinny się dodawać automatycznie, a ja mogę je zmieniać / edytować. Podsumowanie: niby ma ułatwiać, ale wymaga tyle samo, wysiłku ile liczenie w Excelu. Bez sensu. Mam premium pierwszy i ostatni raz.
Easy to use, excellent detailed tracking features. Occasionally it lags a bit, but overall it's a great app.
Super, aktualizacje serwisu z samego rana, popupy o robieniu sobie zdjęć blokujące ekran. brawo...
App is overall good just it's database is kind of empty bar code can't identify a single product. M yu fitness pal database is really good